List of products by manufacturer Casio

The story of Casio started back in 1946 in Mitake, Japan and in November 1974 Mr KASHIO created the first digital watch!
The Casiotron not only gave the the time instantly, but also the date (even the leap years) the  which was a revolution in 1974.
The 80s and 90s the Casio watches were sold all over the world and were a huge success.
Casio has been worn by people like Obama, Marty Mc Fly, Mac Gyver and soforth, which has made it a base in any wardrobe and is worn by anyone from a true vintage fan to someone that just needs an affordable watch that is solid and reliable.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 71 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 71 items